Canción: "Get out of the city"
Intérprete: Ivy
Incluida en: "Apartment life" (1997)

Su primer disco se tituló “Realistic” y se mostraba al mundo con una portada preciosa. Después vino “Apartment life” donde la producción se pulía más y el trío cogía un punto extra de sofisticación. Es de 1997, y posiblemente su mejor disco. Y en él encontramos esta canción, “Get out of the city”, que es puro hedonismo veraniego con la Durand cantando con marcado refinamiento parisino y con un sonido de guitarra que es pura distinción y estilo.
Momento/parte favorito/a: la letra, perfecta para estas fechas tan señaladas.
Summer days are long and lonely.
Cars are moving slowly.
The streets are filled with air so still.
I'm trying to get out of the city.
Trying to get out of the city.
Everybody's angry.
It's hard not to be lazy.
It's a bad time to have work to do.
I'm trying to get out of the city.
Trying to get out of the city.
Roll the windows down.
Take a look around.
Everything is melting in the sun.
Nothing's getting done.
I don't have the time.
Can't you see that I'm --
Trying to get out of the city.
Trying to get out of the city.
Roll the windows down.
Take a look around.
Everything is melting in the sun.
Nothing's getting done.
I don't have the time.
Can't you see that I'm-
Trying to get out of the city.
Trying to get out of the city
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