
Gracias a Simón Zico por ser el cosostenedor de este artilugio de puro entretenimiento sin ánimo de nada, así como a los sospechosos más o menos habituales de colaborar o de haber colaborado (Atreyu, Sergio Casado, Asun No, Roez, etc.) para hacerlo más variado y ameno. Nos vemos (o no) dentro de otros 5000, ahí a la vuelta de la esquina en 2034.
2 comentarios:
Suede "So Young"
She can
To walk out
When she wants
Because we're young
Because we're gone
We'll take the tide's electric mind
Oh yeah
Oh yeah
We're so young and so gone
Let's chase the dragon, oh
Because we're young
Because we're gone
We'll scare the skies with tigers' eyes
Oh yeah
Oh yeah
We're so young and so gone
Let's chase the dragon, oh
Let's chase the dragon, oh
Let's chase the dragon...
From our home
High in the city
Where the skyline stained the snow
I fell for a servant who kept me on the boil
We're so young and so gone
Let's chase the dragon from our home
From our home
From our home
From our home
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